We now have 4

Zion Mennonite Church has chosen to become a JFP covenant church.  The collection schedule is starting to take shape as we move towards our opening date of May 25th.  Keep praying with us!

Christ Lutheran Church – Aurora

Pastor Craig and the congregation at Christ Lutheran have supported us from the very beginning.  Without even knowing us or what the Jubilee Food Pantry was all about (we didn’t even have a name yet!) CLCA began gathering food.  Just this week they have officially become another one of JFP’s covenant churches!   That makes 3 “official” and the Lord continues to move here in north Marion County.  Praise God!

Grace Chapel is in!

Our home church, Grace Chapel in Wilsonville, has decided to become a JFP Covenant Church! That makes two with several taking it to their elder/deacon boards for a decision. Keep praying, asking God to continue to weave the web of connections between the followers of Christ in the north Marion County area so that we can tangibly be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Our first official Covenant Church!

Thank you to North Marion Fellowship for partnering with us, providing a consistent supply of non-perishables and for committing to be praying for the people of north Marion County.

We will have the opportunity to share briefly at NMF on April 25th and then collect our first non-perishables the following Sunday.  Praise God!